There are two-and-a-half points to this post. So for those of you in a hurry or with short attention spans (a.k.a. almost all of us all the time in the digital age), here they are: 1. Quantity gives a false sense …

Parties Are Like a Bowl of French Fries (a.k.a. Why It Feels Like There Is No One Out There for Me) Read more »

So, my blog post yesterday, What Mercury Retrograde Really Means, might have seemed a little… cranky. Half the year is going to suck, people! That was my general message. In an if-we-lovingly-accept-the-vissicitudes-of-life-we-will-actually-be-happier, sort of way. There was another message in the …

I’m an Optimist? You’re Kidding! Read more »